Posts tagged tax online
What Happens if You Don't File Taxes?

We're going to answer the question, "What happens if you don't file taxes?" and then explain a few things you can do to ensure that you do file your taxes each year on time. Our goal is to help you understand your taxes and to be a better taxpayer in future years.

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How Much Money Do You Need to Make to File Taxes

Thanks to tax time becoming so common among Americans, there are many that do not know that they are not even required to file. Others know they are not required but wonder if they should, thanks to the recent stimulus packages provided by the government.

The questions then are how much money do you need to make to file taxes, and are there any additional requirements? The information here outlines the answers to both of those questions and more.

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A Simple Overview of State Income Tax Rates

Just like many things, income tax rates vary by state. The two main types of income tax rates are flat tax rate and a progressive tax rate. We will divide our lists up into these two main categories, so that you know where your state stands.

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Steps to Find Fair Market Value in Real Estate for Taxes

Whether you’re on the buying or receiving end, it’s to your advantage to understand what fair market value (FMV) is and why it’s important to every real estate transaction. This post will give you that information in detail. We’ll also discuss how FMV differs from other types of valuations encountered in the modern real estate market.

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